Our History
The Langley Memorial Hospital Auxiliary celebrated our 75th Anniversary in 2022. Over the years the number of both male and female volunteers has grown and we average 180 who have raised over $ 10 million. The auxiliary consists solely of volunteers who with the assistance of a paid manager at our Thrift Store raise money to provide much needed equipment to the hospital and community. Administration costs are kept to a minimum to increase the funds available for our purpose. We are a Registered Society and a Registered Charity and as such we can issue tax receipts for donations of money. Our Registered Charity number is 139752414RR0001.
Our Mission and Our Vision
We are a group of purpose driven volunteers dedicated to enhancing healthcare in our Hospital and Community
To Assist in creating health care excellence through continuous innovation in volunteering and fundraising
LMHA Board of Directors 2024 - 2025
President: Barb Stewart
Past President: Wanda Williams
Vice President: Vacant
Treasurer: LeeAnn Gregorowich
Recording Secretary Corresponding Secretary: Thelma Boileau
Dianne McCafferty Carole Leiser
Wendy Clarke Corrine Theodore
Joanne Thomson Lona Robson
Diane Thornton Linda Claxton
Penny Bozzard
Funding Sources
Penny Pincher Thrift Shop
Donations in Memory of Loved ones
Bequests from Estates
Hospital Based: Gift Shop, Hospital Sales, Grants, Raffles, Cash Donations
Services Provided to Hospital and Community
1. Purchase of Capital Equipment
From 1994 to 2018 we purchased over $ 9,000,000.00 for much needed equipment for the hospital and a bus for the Residential Care Units. During this time we have spent over $432,000.00 on items for the comfort of patients and residents who use the Langley Memorial Hospital and Residential Care Units. The Maternity Outpatient Clinic is named after the Auxiliary as a result of our donation of $ 500,000.00 in 2014.
We have pledged $ 1.5 million dollars towards the new ER opening 2021
2. Residential Care Units:
Christmas Gifts
Purchase small items such as Gel Socks, newspapers, small appliances, etc for resident use.
Fund and support the bingo program for Residents
Tuc Cart for convenience of Residents
3. Acute Care Hospital
Outfits for still born babies
Comfort items such as shampoo, combs, shaving gear, toothbrush and toothpaste for those patients needing them. Comfort Kit for patients admitted through emergency.
Christmas Gifts for all acute care patients, residential care and for the Memorial Cottage
Meet and Greet program to help visitors and patients find services and locations in the hospital.
Sponsor the Volunteen program. The Auxiliary provides t-shirts, any necessary training and support to attend CS/C Conferences. We also support their annual award celebrations
Comfort cushions for post op patients after abdominal surgeries and mastectomies.
Themed pillowcases for pediatric patients to use in the hospital and to take home.
Clothing for Patients needing items on discharge from Emergency
Auxiliary Knitters supply: Finger Puppets for Children Having Tests, Baby Outfits for the Gift Shop, Baby toques for all babies born in the Hospital
4. Pastoral Care
$500.00 per year to purchase pamphlets and literature for the Chapel and for Residential Care.
5. Scholarships:
Four $1,000.00 scholarships for:
A Junior volunteer who is continuing their education in a Medical Field - Linda Steier Volunteen Scholarship
A student in the Langley School District and who is continuing their education in a Medical Field.
$1000.00 to the Marion Ward Fund which provides updated training to hospital nursing
$ 1000.00 to the Edith Rose Healthcare which provides updated training to Healthcare Workers
The auxiliary is always willing to take on new endeavors to meet the needs of the hospital and its Residential care units. We are always in need of volunteers and welcome all newcomers to our friendly group who ranges in age from the age of 18 up into the 90’s.
Wanda Williams, President
2019 Bursary Applications
Linda Steier Volunteen Scholarship
LMH Auxiliary Sources of Income and Expenses for 2023
Year Ended December 31, 2023
Sales of donated items (Penny Pincher) $885,345.00
Gift shop sales $184,658.00
Rent $69,181.00
Donations, bequests, and municipal grants $29,424.00
Interest $ 6,367.00
Hospital vendor contribution $ 5,955.00
Fundraising $ 2,588.00
Memberships $ 2,480.00
TOTAL $ 1,185,998.00
Hospital Equipment & Emergency Expansion $
Gift shop merchandise $ 84,132.00
Interest and bank charges $11,501.00
Occupancy costs (Penny Pincher) $51,543.00
Maintenance & Inspection $108,355.00
Supplies $15,089.00 Utilities $15,918.00
Board Expenses & Conferences $5,342.00
Hospitality and volunteer programs $5,710.00
Other $3,588.00
Professional fees $11,501.00
Advertising and promotion $2,206.00
Wages and benefits $ 50,292.00
Insurance $ 14,539.00